All products and plans

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Services for regular users and companies (personal & commercial usage):

There are several user levels defined for different purposes. For all our services, the user level sets the feature boundaries.

Account registration is free on Blockchain Financial, and free accounts have access to basic services. Basic accounts can be upgraded to premium for a small fee to gain access to premium features. Please take a look to the table below to see the differences.

Feature Basic (free) accounts Premium accounts
Cryptocurrency wallet services:    
Deposits Unlimited  Unlimited 
Withdrawals Currently unlimited*
Network fees apply
Currently unlimited*
Network fees apply
Transfer between BCF users Currently unlimited*
Transfer fees may apply
Currently unlimited*
Transfer fees may apply
Transfer to external users (email based)
Create containers/websites Unlimited  Unlimited 
Publish containers/webistes on our Supported Websites Registry Unlimited  Unlimited 
 Customize the widget's description and logo
 Add IPN notifications (callback scripts)
Tech support Free Free
Create an account Free Free
Purchase items No fees No fees
Create your own store
Sell items on your own store No inventory limits
Standard income fee**
 Crypto to crypto trading 0.2% fee for order makers.
No fee for filling orders.
0.2% fee for order makers.
No fee for filling orders.
 Crypto to fiat trading 0.4% fee for order makers.
No fee for filling orders.
0.4% fee for order makers.
No fee for filling orders.
 Giveaway trading accounts As many as needed***
 Income fee 10%****
Upgrade price: None USD $10
►Upgrading info

* Limits might apply when we're required to comply with money laundering laws on some countries.
** No additional fees from selling items, only incoming transaction fees apply. ►Check fees and rates.
*** Accounts for different giveaways must be manually created and configured by the tech support staff.
**** Deducted from the fee charged to clients on all assets (E.G. you charge 3% to your client deposits, BCF deducts 10% of your 3%).

Cryptocurrency/HRC20 token additions

Note: these services apply only to cryptocurrency or token owners/makers. All requests are subject to investigation and approval by our staff members. Once approved, the coin is released as soon as the wallet is added on a server and the blockchain is synced.

Feature Approximate Price
List an HRC20 token Basically free
List a coin with small blockchain size (< 10 GB) and low resource requirements A night at the opera*
List a coin with medium blockchain size (< 30 GB) and medium resource requirements A kidney*
List a coin with a large blockchain size (> 30 GB) and high resource requirements A Lambo*
Listing a huge blockchain that might require a dedicated server Does your soul have a price?*

* Just ask for the price. We promise you'll afford it.

In all cases, we will host the coin wallet, make all necessary integration arrangements and handle all tech support on our end to guarantee the successful usage of the coin in our systems.

Note: If you aren't a coin/token maker, please submit your request on our coin listing requests forum so it is reviewed.

When contacting us, include the next information:

  • Coin/token details: name, symbol, issuance, contract address, etc.
  • The URL of the website that explains your coin/token (mission statement, white paper, the team behind, social network links, etc.)
  • Any places where it is already being used or listed (if available).
  • A coin logo (the larger the better, PNG or JPEG).

Request your listing now

Ads placement and promoted contents

We currently have dedicated ad spaces on our website pages. If you're interested in promoting goods or services to our user base, we can provide you ad slots and spread the word through or website and social channels. Please contact us for more information.

Hosted solutions based on our platform

If you're interested in using our systems in an exclusive way (I.E. you've created a cryptocurrency and want to have all of our services exclusively for it) we can provide you everything, from hosting to maintenance and support. Please contact us for more information.

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Blockchain Financial has the next label sticked since 2 years ago:

Nakamoto: A guy/gal that accidentally got famous. Nobody knows him/her but we love him/her.
Sticked by mingo2020 2 years ago • Source: Free Army of Crypto NFTs for 25 lucky users • Reason: N/A