The tiers system


We implemented a tiers system to manage trading volumes against fiat currencies and payment methods for this kind of orders.

Monthly trading limits with fiat currencies are calculated in the USD value at market price:

Please note: the currency you use for your filled trade orders is converted to USD to calculate the volume.

Only if your orders are filled or when you fill orders of crypto/fiat orders made by other users your USD traded volume will increase.

Your trader profile will be shown in your bio, and will be available for everyone in the orders you post or fill.

Also, the exchange will show your "trader flair", showing your current tier and the count of trades you've interacted with.

The tier requirements are show below:

Now, payment methods for orders against fiat currencies are tied to tier levels:


In order to jump to a higher tier, you must comply with the tier requirements. Just go to edit your account and provide the required items.

Note: it will take us from a few hours to several days to review your requests.

We will email you if any proof you provide is rejected or approved.