Fees and rates

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💡 Important: all fees shown below are subject to change without notice. For more information please check the Terms of Service page.

Note: Bitcoin withdrawal fees are updated every 30 minutes, provided by Bitcoiner.live fee estimates.


  • Trading fee in the exchange is currently set to 0.2% for crypto/crypto order makers and 0.5% for crypto/fiat order makers. Takers don't pay any fee.
  • AutoCash fee is 10% over merchant income on all assets (the fee merchants charge to their clients).
  • CryptoWiz leeching fee is paid in addition to receiving fee on incoming transactions as described on the CryptoWiz documentation.
  • Marketplace fee is charged to the vendors (using the "receiving fee").
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Blockchain Financial has the next label sticked since 2 years ago:

Nakamoto: A guy/gal that accidentally got famous. Nobody knows him/her but we love him/her.
Sticked by mingo2020 2 years ago • Source: Free Army of Crypto NFTs for 25 lucky users • Reason: N/A