Give a warm welcome to Pandacoin!

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It took several days for the Pandacoin wallet to sync the blockchain. Moments ago, it finally got in line with its peers.

About Pandacoin

From the Pandacoin official website:

"Pandacoin is positioned to reach mainstream users from multiple market segments and cultures (in particular China and South East Asia) by removing high barriers of entry to the fast paced and complex world of decentralized cryptocurrencies."

Pandacoin is a POS (Proof of Stake) based coin. You get some and keep them on your Pandabank (the desktop wallet) and you'll earn a nice 2.5% annual interest.

At the time of writing, Pandacoin has a market capitalization of 4 million US dollars. You can trade it on BX Thailand, Cryptopia and YoBit.

The desktop wallet has a nice design, and as mentioned earlier, if you keep it running on your computer, you'll be staking your coins for interest.

Technical specs:

  • Algorithm: POS
  • Network: POS
  • Block Time: 60 seconds
  • Block Reward: 10000
  • Difficulty Retarget: 1
  • Annual POS Rate: 2.5%
  • Minimum Stake Age: 259200 seconds (3 days)
  • Maximum Stake Age: 2592000 seconds (30 days)


#NewCoin #Pandacoin #POS

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Sep 24, 2018 4:11 PM (7 years ago)

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