Summer updates rollup

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We've been working a lot in our systems to bring you a fine tuned machine for your crypto-centric projects. So, here you have the list of changes pushed in our systems during the first half of 2021.

Changes to global settings:

  • Added support for the next currencies for fiat conversions:
    • Brazilian Reals
    • Indian Rupee
    • Philippine Peso.

Updated modules:

API client updated to version 1.2.5:

  • Tuned settings data in the language file.
  • Added support for new_address method on the API.
  • Added support for fetch_price_indexes method on the API.
  • Added support for validate_address method on the API.
  • Added image fields to the currency_record class.

AutoCash updated to version 1.0.1:

  • Changed "System fee" to "System commission" in language file and messages.

Exchange updated to version 1.6.6:

  • Added permalinks to orders.
  • Tuned tiers toolbox.

Portfolio updated to version 1.12.0:

  • Removed caching of coin drivers to avoid unwanted warnings.
  • Added account/newdepositaddress API endpoint.
  • Added public/validateaddress API endpoint.
  • Added asset images on the public/getcurrencies API endpoint.
  • Tuning of multiple scripts.
  • Added charts to the single coin information price indexes.
  • Fixed display issues on the transactions browser.
  • Shortened deposit addresses on the single coin "receive" tab when they're too long.
  • Minor tuning of the coin daemon monitor.
  • Added driver for Pirate Chain.
  • Added driver for the Komodo network.
  • Tuned the withdrawal process.
  • Added workaround for quotes on API logging.

CryptoWiz updated to version 1.4.0:

  • Added getbutton API method.
  • Added getbuttons API method.
  • Changed stepping for multi_converted types on the wizard: from the min tip size to a calculated amount converted from fiat.
  • Added checks for fiat conversions with several decimals in the transactions controller.
  • Fixed wrong IPN message sender on the transactions controller.
  • Fixed styles in the transactions sender.

Note: API documentation has been updated reflecting the changes above.

Other modules in our website received updates as mentioned on the BardCanvas Summer 2021 updates wrap-up.

That's all for now. We have another huge announcement but it will come later today.

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