Superable HRC20 token is now supported

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We're glad to announce the addition of Superable to our systems! Here you'll find some information about this project.

About Superable

Mission and vision:

Creating Opportunities for Farmers:

  • Providing tools to Educate more people about Agriculture in crops and livestock industry in particular
  • We aim to educate farmers and spread awareness about this new technology that can be helpful in Agricultural sector.

Online Education and farming Informations

  • Most farmers are operating at just 40% of their potential capacity access to information, farmers can now plan and harvest more effectively and gain access to market.

Financial Services

  • Without financial access, many agricultural providers lose up to 50% of potential income. Farmers can prove their identity and income to gain access to financial institutions

Token specifications

What can you do with Superable on Blockchain Financial?

Here at BCF, ABLE has been fully integrated in our systems:

Send/receive and transfer ABLE using our online wallet services

Create a CryptoWiz button and share the link everywhere to receive tips

Purchase goods or pay for services using our marketplace
Trade your ABLEs for every other asset (even fiat currencies) on our P2P exchange

And if you upgrade from a normal to a premium account, you can:

  • Create advanced CryptoWiz buttons to use BCF as a payment gateway
  • Create a store in our marketplace and sell goods or services for Superable and other cryptocurrencies

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Blockchain Financial has the next label sticked since 1 years ago:

Nakamoto: A guy/gal that accidentally got famous. Nobody knows him/her but we love him/her.
Sticked by mingo2020 1 years ago • Source: Free Army of Crypto NFTs for 25 lucky users • Reason: N/A


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