We're glad to announce the addition of Pirate Chain to our systems! Here you'll find some information about this cryptocurrency.
About Pirate Chain
From the Pirate Chain website:
Pirate Chain (ARRR) is a 100% private send cryptocurrency. It uses a privacy protocol that cannot be compromised by other users activity on the network. Most privacy coins are riddled with holes created by optional privacy. Pirate Chain uses ZK-Snarks to shield 100% of the peer to peer transactions on the blockchain making for highly anonymous and private transactions.
Pirate Chain is rich in security and privacy features:
- Independent Technology: Independent blockchain that is secured by delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) against 51% attacks.
- Private Transactions: Private send transactions only. No Public sends make it the largest shielded funds pool of any project using ZK-snarks
- Total Anonymity: The TOR network is supported by Pirate Chain
- Future Proof: Sapling upgrade implemented and opens the path to lite wallets, mobile wallets and Point of Sale functionality
- Ecommerce Enabled: We offer a variety of tools for integration to your online store.
Full privacy support is enabled
All privacy features have been enabled in our ARRR wallet. You can only send coins straight to the z-based wallet addresses you generate in our ARRR node and you can only withdraw to z-based wallet addresses outhere. TOR is engaged and all communication with the Pirate Chain network goes through it.
Asset specifications
- Coin Suffix: ARRR
- Tech: Komodo Network Smart Chain
- Network: Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) - Additional security layer and Komodo's own consensus algorithm
- Block time: 60 seconds
- Max Supply: 200,000,000
- Mining algo: Equihash 200,9
What can you do with ARRR on Blockchain Financial?
Here at BCF, Pirate Chain has been fully integrated in our systems:

And if you upgrade from a normal to a premium account, you can:
- Create advanced CryptoWiz buttons to use BCF as a payment gateway
- Create a store in our marketplace and sell goods or services for Hempcoin and other cryptocurrencies
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