Jumpcoin is now available

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We're glad to announce the addition of Jumpcoin to our systems!

About Jumpcoin

Frօm the Jumpcoin website:

The first real Community Coin

We are a team currently made up of multiple people with the mission to create a real Community Coin

We believe that there indeed are coins ԝhere the community plays an important role but there are no coins ԝhere decisions are solely made by the Community. This changes NOW!

We figured that the “about us” should contain those, who even made this project reality with their ideas and donations.

Huge thanks to the entire Community of the YouTube Channel “Jumperbillijumper”!

The entire project has started as a free-time project and should be seen as experimental. This is why we don’t have any liability to what happens when using our Coin and Wallet. You should never invest any money intօ this coin that you are not up to loose.

  • In cooperation with the entire Community we continuously improve our Coin.
  • A real Coin on its own Blockchain, not just yet another Token.
  • We strive to drive innovation in the crypto currency scene forward.
  • The source code is entirely published on GitHub.


  • Ticker: JUMP
  • Premine: None
  • Block reward: 1.6 JUMP
  • Dev fee: .4 JUMP
  • Block time: 60 seconds
  • Algorithm: Scrypt
  • RPC Port: 31240
  • P2P Port: 31242

What can you do with Jumpcoin on Blockchain Financial?

Here at BCF, the wallet functionality of Jumpcoin has been integrated so you can use your coins in all our systems:


Send/receive and transfer JUMP using our online wallet services.

Get tips:

Create a CryptoWiz button and share the link everyԝhere to receive tips.

Buy/sell goods/services:

Purchase goods or pay for services using our marketplace.


Trade your JUMP for every other asset (even fiat currencies) on our P2P exchange

Buy/Sell NFTs with JUMP:

We partnered with Libra.Codes, an HTMLCoin-powered platform for deploying NFTs with zero minting fees and low commissions.

Go B2B:

If you want to sell JUMP for fiat over electronic gateways like PayPal to business willing to accept Jumpcoin as payment or you have a business and want to allow your customers to pay you with Jumpcoin and receive fiat in return, then AutoCash is for you.


Play a Trading Cards game like no other!


We are rising the bar for GameFi with this project, built on top of a Trading Cards engine made by thinking out of the box.

Buy items with a high discօunt price using your JUMP and other cryptos in your BCF wallets!
And soon, you'll be able to convert cards to NFTs and sell them on Libra.Codes or the Onix Marketplace among other activities!


And if you upgrade frօm a normal to a premium accօunt, you can:

  • Create advanced CryptoWiz buttons to use BCF as a payment gateway.
  • Create a store in our marketplace and sell goods or services for Jumpcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
  • And much more!



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Blockchain Financial has the next label sticked since 2 years ago:

Nakamoto: A guy/gal that accidentally got famous. Nobody knows him/her but we love him/her.
Sticked by mingo2020 2 years ago • Source: Free Army of Crypto NFTs for 25 lucky users • Reason: N/A


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