BitCore information

Coin currently disabled
This coin is currently disabled on our systems. No deposits or withdrawals are supported. If you need more information, please contact our tech staff.

Links: Website / BitcoinTalk announceGitHub

Coin Suffix: BTX
Launched: 24th of April 2017
Max supply: 21 million coins
Blocksize: 10MB (20MB SegWit)
2.5 min average blocktime
Mining algorithm: Timetravel10 (GPU)
SegWit and Bloom online
Core Shield 64_15 difficulty retargeting algorithm
Fair distribution: airdrops (ended)

Fees and limits

Withdrawal fee:
0.0005 BTX
Receiving fee:
Min transaction:
0.0001 BTX
Min withdrawal:

Wallet information

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Fiat price indexes

Crypto price indexes