All systems back to normal - apparently

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During the past hours, a couple after stopping all background tasks in our website server, we noticed random timeouts in our systems.

But there were no major outages as we expected. We decided it to leave everything to its own luck for a few hours and, when we came back, saw everything was running smoothly.

So we decided to lift the alert flag and bring everything back to normal.

Deposits will start to kick in, and we'll review withdrawal attempts.

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Blockchain Financial has the next label sticked since 2 years ago:

Nakamoto: A guy/gal that accidentally got famous. Nobody knows him/her but we love him/her.
Sticked by mingo2020 2 years ago • Source: Free Army of Crypto NFTs for 25 lucky users • Reason: N/A


Oct 23, 2021 4:39 AM (3 years ago)

Nice I like that 

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